The  trio  trauma  clearing

Clearing the Earth, our physical self, and past soul lives... together as one.

This is a deeply healing opportunity to clear this life's trauma from our body, and where it happened on earth..

when we have experienced trauma, not only do we hold that in our body, but it leaves it’s unbalanced energies within the Earth.

We will gently take ourselves back in time uncovering any traumatic footsteps and releasing their imprints, freeing ourselves and purifying the planet.

It is a beautiful process, not only will our inner worthiness shift and enlighten, but our external life shifts into lighter pathways.

A true reflection of inward conscious healing.

This course runs for 4 weeks every Sunday evening starting May 5th - 26th

Offering in person and online support throughout, with a growing group of consciously healing people that connect and support.