Past Life HealinG

Past life journeying is a very exciting experience, life changing!

As we step back into previous lives, we get to the root of beliefs and emotions that we hold within our souls that work through the physical body. It releases the intensity of triggers and emotions that we feel in this life. It frees karmic debt and past traumas between families and relationships.

We can discover why we chose this life, and how to free our future by consciously reliving our collective and individual experiences.

This is a gentle Source led connection, what is shown will benefit you at this present time, for the highest good.

“I feel Like you've really seen me and understood me and connected to me in a way no other healer has. I feel like you've gone straight to the heart of a core issue that's alluded me for years.Feeling so much in my right hand side now, you are really magical.Thank you so much.'”